05.05.2011 May News |
May News from Nine Months | |
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Nine Months introduces our VERY IMPORTANT MUM-TO-BE program. Spend $5000 in a month and receive 10% off non-sale merchandise until the end of time.
於一個月內購物滿$5000即可參加我們VERY IMPORTANT MUM-TO-BE
會員計劃, 購買任何正價品, 可永久專享9折優惠.
Got morning sickness?
Try a free sample of Spoiled Mama's Happy Mornings Sippin' Tea. A 100% organic blend that keeps nausea at bay.
Stop by the boutique or email us you address and we'll mail it to you. info@ninemonthshk.com
我們提供Spoiled Mama Happy Morning Sippin' Tea免費試用包
100%有機茶枼, 可舒緩晨吐及胃部不適
親臨本店或電郵我們, 試用包會送至提供的地址
Join the Pregnant in Hong Kong
Facebook Group.
For all the pregnant women out there in Hong Kong! A group to chat about pregnancy, get advice from locals on activities and shops. Click here to join.
一個屬於香港孕媽媽的Facebook group, 分享懷孕經歷, 本地的孕媽媽購物心得及活動花絮. 按這裡加入我們.
Have you had a good experience in our boutique?
Tell us about it by emailing info@ninemonthshk.com
電郵我們 info@ninemonthshk.com
Or tell others by writing a review on:
Geobaby Google Maps Aiiyah.com I Love Soho
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New Arrivals: Summer Collections
We've received new shipments from
Annee Matthew Nursing
Olian Maternity
The Spoiled Mama
Including bathing suits, new styles of nursing bras & underwear, nursing dresses & tops, plus Olian's Summer Collection and our organic stretch mark solutions & teas.
Annee Matthew Nursing
Olian Maternity
The Spolied Mama
包括泳裝,新款哺乳內衣, 哺乳連身裙及
上衣, 還有Olian夏季系列, 有機茶葉及
預防妊娠紋的有機護膚品。 |
Summer at The Space
We were happy to be participating in Summer at The Space on Saturday, May 14th from 11 - 6pm. A portion of the proceeds will go to Red Cross Japan.
我們將於5月14日(星期六), 上午11時至下午6時參與Summer at The Space活動, 部份收益將撥歸日本紅十字會。 |
The Bump Bunch In Style Thursday, May 19th 6-8pm
Baby Bloom與我們合辦的The Bump Bunch in Style 將於5月19日晚上6時至8時舉行, 當晚Karen將會介紹孕婦裝潮流及提供選購孕婦裝的小貼士。
Nine Months Minibus Around Town
Here is the Nine Months minibus picking up some passengers in Sai Wan. It travels along Caine Road and onto Causeway Bay. If you see it, take a picture and email it to info@ninemonthshk.com and we'll give you a $200 gift certificate to spend in the store.
Nine Months 小巴正在西環接載乘客, 它途經堅道,軒尼詩道並以銅鑼灣為總站。如果你在街上踫到它經過, 記得馬上按下快門並把照片發到 info@ninemonthshk.com, 我們將會送出$200禮券給參加者。 | |
Nine Months Maternity 5th Floor Tung Yiu Commercial Building 31A Wyndham Street Central
中環雲威街31A, 東耀高業大厦5樓
Open Monday to Friday 星期一至五 11 - 7:30 Saturday & Sunday 星期六至日 11-6 | | | | |
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