11.08.2011 What's New @ Nine Months |
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Hip Little Bubba
Nine Months introduces our VERY IMPORTANT MUM-TO-BE program. Spend $5000 in a month and receive 10% off non-sale merchandise until the end of time.
於一個月內購物滿$5000即可參加我們VERY IMPORTANT MUM-TO-BE
會員計劃, 購買任何
正價品, 可永久專享
Nine Months
5th Floor Tung Yiu Commercial Building
31A Wyndham Street Central 中環雲威街31A, 東耀高業大厦5樓
Open Mon to Fri 星期一至五 11 - 7:30 Saturday & Sunday 星期六至日 11-6
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Tell us about it by emailing info@ninemonthshk.com
電郵我們 info@ninemonthshk.com
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Pampered Mums & Hip Little Ones
Nine Months and Hip Little Bubba are joining forces to bring you a morning of pampering, education and goodies at The Retreat Spa in Repulse Bay. Highlights include a raw food demonstration from Priscilla Soligo from Rawthentic Food and tips on staying healthy from Caroline Rhodes founder of The Body Group. Don't miss it!
Nine Months 將與 Hip Little Bubba 在位於淺水灣的The Retreat Spa 聯手合辦一個集購物,美容兼富教育性於一身的活動, 重點包括來自Rawthentic Food的Priscilla Soligo示範生鮮食物膳食, 及The Body Group 的始創人Caroline Rhodes 提供保持健康的貼士, 萬勿錯過! |
DL1961 Premium Denim
Fall is just around the corner which means it's time to update your wardrobe with the perfect pair of maternity jeans and we're happy to announce that we have found them. DL1961 Premium Denim is made from XFIT LYCRA which adapts to each unique body shape to ensure a custom fit and retains its shape never sagging, bagging or stretching out making them perfect for all stages of pregnancy and into the transition period. Come and browse our styles and get yourself into a perfect fitting jean.
立秋已過, 也是時候為自己的衣櫥增添一條完美的孕婦牛仔褲, 而與此同時, 我們也正為妳搜羅了高級牛仔褲品牌DL 1961。它採用XFIT LYCRA布料, 使牛仔褲能適應每位穿著者的獨特身型而作出調整, 而且永不變型或走樣, 絕對適合懷孕的各個階段及往後過的過渡期。現在就到我們的店舖挑選妳喜愛而最合身的款式吧。
Our End of Season Sale Continues
Our Minibus Is Still On The Move!
If you see it, take a picture and email it to info@ninemonthshk.com and we'll give you a $500 gift certificate to spend in the store.
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