04.10.11 Breastfeeding Basics & New Arrivals |
04.10.2011 |
Breastfeeding Basics and New Arrivals | |
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Hip Little Bubba
Nine Months introduces our VERY IMPORTANT MUM-TO-BE program. Spend $5000 in a month and receive 10% off non-sale merchandise until the end of time.
於一個月內購物滿$5000即可參加我們VERY IMPORTANT MUM-TO-BE
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Nine Months Maternity
5th Floor Tung Yiu
Commercial Building
31A Wyndham Street Central 中環雲威街31A, 東耀商業大厦5樓
Open Mon to Fri 星期一至五 11 - 7:30 Saturday & Sunday 星期六至日 11-6 Public Holidays
公眾假期 12-5
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Must-have Basics for Breastfeeding
I wish someone would have told me how difficult breastfeeding can be when I was having my first baby. I thought it would be a walk in the park and it was anything but. The sad truth is that some women find it incredibly difficult and I was one of them. I'm not sure anything really helps except a huge amount of patience and persistance but here are a few must-have's to help you along. Keep reading...
我希望當初生第一個BB時會有人告訴我食母乳是何等困難的事, 我還以為很簡單但結果是完全相反。事實原來是並不是每個媽媽都可以輕易餵母乳, 而我偏偏就是其中一個, 我想除了大量的耐性及堅持外並沒有其他方法, 但市場上還是有數樣哺乳的必備品讓新手媽媽更易上手...
Little Luxe Hong Kong
We are so happy to have been included in the Little Luxe Guide for Hong Kong. Full of useful information about family-friendly places to see, shop, eat, and stay. Whether you are living in Hong Kong or planning a visit, this is a must-have! Available at our boutique or online here.
我們很高興被納入香港Little Luxe Guide以內, 這本指南有齊歡迎一家人購物, 用飺及住宿的地點介紹, 無論你是住在香港或到香港旅遊, 它絕對是你的必備。我們的店舖及網上商店有售。 |
New Arrivals - LA Made
The Fall collection from our favorite casual maternity designer LA Made has arrived. Full of must-have knit basics made from natural fabrics like cotton and bamboo, these easy-to-wear garments will remain in your wardrobe well after you give birth.
我們其中一最愛的孕婦裝品牌LA Made秋裝已經上架, 一系列必備的針織基本款式均由天然布料如棉布及竹纖維布等製作, 這些如此容易配襯的服飾即使在生寶寶以後仍然合適。
We Love Rewarding Our Customers
We are happy to announce our newest partner - Flex Studio. Our customers will receive a coupon for a complimentary group class at Flex with every purchase.
我們榮幸地邀請到Flex Studio合作推出優惠, 顧客每次購物均在獲得Flex的團體班免費試用券一張。 |
Our Minibus Is Still On The Move!
If you see it, take a picture and email it to info@ninemonthshk.com and we'll give you a $500 gift certificate to spend in the store.
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