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About Bella Band

How to wear the BellaBand?

Early pregnancy

  • Unbutton your jeans or other bottoms and even unzip them a bit.
  • Wear the BellaBand on top of your jeans or other bottoms.
  • Fold the BellaBand over to disguise bulky unfastened buttons and zippers for a smooth look.  It also helps to hold up your jeans.
  • Wear your pre-pregnancy styles as long as your bum and hips allow.


  • BellaBand helps to hold up too-loose maternity bottoms and conceal excess fabric on the waistband.
  • Wear the BellaBand folded over or in single layer.

Late pregnancy

  • Use the BellaBand for extra reinforcement over low-rise maternity bottoms.
  • If you would like more support use as a single layer to cover your belly and waistband.  Otherwise, fold it and wear as a double layer over your under-the-belly waistband.


  • Wear with maternity styles that are too big or pre-pregnancy styles that can't fasten around your waist.
  • Nursing: wear BellaBand with any top to give extra coverage when you lift your top from below to nurse.

About BellaBand

Top Hem:  wide and flat to minimize visible lines under your top.  The stitches is very subtle, so you can fold your BellaBand over for extra reinforcement without worrying the apparence of the hem.

Main Body:  The BellaBand is seamless-knit so no side-seam will show if you fold it over.  The fabric is an ultra-soft and thick blend of spandex and nylon that will stretch and recover to fit throughout pregnancy.  The BellaBand resists pilling and fading through frequent washing and wearing.

Bottom hem: double sewn to better grip the pants or other bottoms to prevent the BellaBand from riding up.


Trying to choose between two BellaBand sizes?
Not so surprising.  Some women are averse to a snug fit during pregnancy while others want that tighter fit for support or the feeling of being "held in".  Think about what will work for you. If you want a snug fit, go with the smaller of the two sizes you are considering.  If the idea of something snug is unappealing, but you still need to hold up your pants, try the larger size.



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